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用现代科学阐述中医药原理的目的之一就是尽量少让患者寄希望于疗效上奇迹的发生,科学至上,让好的疗效在更多的患者身上重复,屠呦呦的青蒿素就是一例,Dr. Cui Yongqiang on do not let patients take chance or expect miracles when seeking care from traditional Chinese medicine, in science we trust, and interpret the mechanism of traditional Chinese medicine and pharmacology with modern science and to incorporate both TCM and Western medicine into treatment.


又到了一年一度的世界罕见病日,过去的一年中医在治疗罕见病上有哪些进展? 是诊断上从肝肾阴虚又变回气血不足,还是几个证型转来转去?治疗还是方药上的加加减减? 要取得突破性的创新只有一条路.....,否则明年还是低水平的重复。




从同仁堂,达仁堂,胡庆余堂,养生堂,到博爱堂,为何在中国中医从药店,诊所到电视节目都爱叫堂? 看看央视英语频道这个介绍中医和堂的短片。


From Tong ren tang in Beijing,Da ren tang in Tianjin,Hu qing yu tang in Hangzhou,Yang sheng tang on TV and Bo ai tang back in Beijing,why Chinese herbal pharmacies,health care providers of traditional Chinese medicine,and TV health channels are so keen on naming themselves after Tang or 堂 in Chinese?



Dr. Cui Yongqiang and his weekly online open course bring you news and views on traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) that keep abreast of the latest advancements in modern medicine. TCM LED Talk, a truely trending destination selected by Tripadvisor, is getting the attention it deserves.


内 容 摘 要

TCM LED Talk is a non-profit academic exchange roundtable presided by Prof.Dr.Cui Yongqiang since 2013. It is a secular temple advocating health and wellness through faith and science in traditional Chinese medicine.

Advertising on this official Wechat helps support our mission:spreading life-changing insights and old-but-gold fresh ideas. We do not endorse non-TCM LED Talk products or services even though they are mentioned in our talks.


Now we add a new column-Thursday 2 PM Talk, a live chat with Prof.Cui and his team together with top experts from the nation's very best research hospital-Beijing Guang'anmen Hospital.


The world’s first TCM English-Speaking Helpline which is the only free government-approved service of its kind, providing quality, authentic TCM and health information for the general public.

We answer all your questions about traditional Chinese medicine, whether your interest is as a patient, a medical student or a health care provider, please join us through Voov meeting.

For patients, our research is your hope.

For students, our research is your exploration.

For professionals, our research is your bridge.

Beijing Time: 14:00-15:00 Mar. 14th, 2024 for Q&A

Please download and install Voov Meeting, we appreciate it if you enter your real name for user name.

Meeting ID: by invitation only, on-site roundtable will be held in Peking Union Medical College Hospital this time. 注意本周时间为北京时间下午2:00开始,在北京协和医院线下进行,线上特邀。为您带来不便,敬请谅解!


Stay in the know with news on traditional Chinese medicine with Prof. Dr.Cui, that are not available elsewhere in English and that you can use for your personal health care.

Get also all the latest breaking news and health information on alternative and integrative medicine from around the world.

不时就有人问崔永强主任为何坚持十年每周讲TCM LED Talk。其实,最终目的只有一个:哪怕只帮一个人能免于自杀,用中医非药物方法。

TCM LED Talk ultimate goal:

Help one more person, save an extra life.

Suicide prevention-the TCM way

—Dr. Cui Yongqiang MD

欢乐周四 心理减压

Join our Think Positive Thursday and get a real feel of the vibes.

各位请记住:如果你的单位或部门有需求,我们的TCM LED Talk可随时移师贵处,我们用中医药文化帮你的员工减压,用英语扩大视野,还能改善员工关系,提高工作生产效率,and remember that you are always welcome to put your own spin on health topics and TCM.

Our experts team would like to get your feedback regarding topics you would like to explore. We always encourage viewers who wish to comment on our material to do so through this wechat or send a friend request on another wechat: cuitcm

扫码加入并关注TCM LED Talk, 这就等于你选择了一种新的生活方式,一种自己主动减压的方式,你每周收到的信息就是我们希望你积极面对生活的一次提醒,即使你不真打开阅读,仅仅这小小的收到新微信提示本身,一段时间后就能给你带来意想不到的心理治未病效果,a simple notification, a significant health benefit。

《 Disclaimer 》

This talk and presentation reflect the opinions, insights or positions of the speaker and should not be construed to represent the views and policies of the speaker's institutions, or the sponsors.



主 讲 人

时 间 & 地 点


时间:14:00-15:00 Mar. 14th, 2024

会议链接:by invitation only


十年来,每周一次,我们坚持只用英语发声,以科学至上的原则用中医文化影响海外非华人群体或已经不讲汉语也不太信中医的华人后代。从数十个国家的政府卫生官员,诺贝尔医学奖获得者,屡屡在新英格兰杂志发表论文的欧美医学家,到五大洲的普通医生,从美国哈佛大学及麻省理工的华裔学生到瑞典颁发诺奖所在医学院的医生的子女,都先后参加了我们的对话节目TCM LED Talk,都认可我们介绍的国际视野下的中医。

科学至上 In science we trust


崔永强教授和他的百媚新中医TCM LED Talk

What Traditional Chinese medicine can and cannot do for your health?

-Let's Explore and Discover(LED) Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM) through presentations and discussions in one of the nation's very best hospitals of TCM

A Talk program initiated by Prof.Dr.Cui yongqiang of Beijing Guang An Men Hospital in 2013.

Better understanding TCM from a global perspective and a diagonal approach.

In science we trust.

Ten years ago, I embarked on my journey spreading TCM knowledge and discussing controversial issues in TCM and integrative medicine, and today I am incredibly proud to see how far we have come. Fully aware that there is still a long way to go, my ambition in raising awareness of the importance of effective communication in English language remains unchanged, I will keep the momentum and will be more than happy to receive your advice, comments and criticism.

Join hands to promote the rational use of safe and effective Chinese herbal medicine,and map out a more standardized and evidence-based practice of integrative medicine.

Bring to our TCM LED Talk your short stories of how health care workers in your country make the best of both traditional and modern medicine in improving patient care and advancing research.

Traditional Chinese medicine or TCM,also Trans-cultural medicine,is one more option for your personal health care.

TCM, old but gold,5000 years and counting, is a gift from Beijing to the world.

Dr. Cui yongqiang MD


TCM LED Talk has a very clear purpose and this is to inform our participants through sharing the best and easy-to-practice TCM mental wellness exercise and to animate you to be your own health advocate.

Our featured talks do this in a practical, positive and uplifting manner. We purposefully do not favor either TCM or modern medicine, but feature both side by side, with no intention to provoke, but to complement and inform.

We encourage you to share the most up-to-date and the most in-depth information on the widest range of health topics covering mind, body and spirit, from the skin to the soul.

Contact information:

Tel: +86 10 88001800

Email: cuitcm@hotmail.com

Wechat: 13699152838



2.倡导每周half-day offline,half-day outdoor.


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